Comico Mermoz
Sacré-c?ur 1
Sacré-c?ur 2
Sacré-c?ur 3 and Sacré-c?ur 3 Extension:
These two Sacré-C?ur neighborhoods have undergone incredible changes over the past decade. Thousands of singles and couples have moved in. Significant development has opened up new opportunities for business and living. Many new homes and buildings have sprung up, others are under construction, and tenants and buyers are lining up to move in. The neighborhood is located right next to the VDN, making it an ideal place to house young workers from all over the world. Dakar. Just a few minutes from the Almadies and downtown, Dakar's most festive areas, this neighborhood is a great place for young people.
Sicap Sacré-c?ur:
This sub-sector of Sicap Sacré-c?ur has existed for some time, but has undergone redevelopment in recent years. There are a large number of buyers looking for homes in this area of the Sacré-C?ur district, not least because residents love the presence of Sacré-C?ur College. Sicap Sacré-C?ur is a highly desirable area in which to live, thanks to its location and special atmosphere. This section of Sacré-C?ur is located just south of Extension Liberté 6 and north of Sicap Liberté 1. If you're looking to relocate here, take the time to do a thorough search for your home or apartment. It could take some time before you find something that suits you, as supply is low and demand very high.