How to renovate your apartment
Budget your money and time wisely
Expect to take a position on your capital
Don't take the main bid
You need to get several bids to make sure you get a good price for any subcontracting work. The more expensive the job, the more bids you should receive. This often becomes exhausting and time-consuming. However, doing all your homework can result in better and/or cheaper bids in the end.
Focus on paint and flooring
- Painting: use a bright, neutral color and paint all the walls the same color and sheen. once you need to touch up down the road, it's nice to have just one color in the apartment, and you'll always have a box of that color available.
- Floor covering: Your flooring options include carpet, tile, wood laminate and vinyl. Tile is best for kitchens and bathrooms because of water and moisture problems. Wood laminate is best for elsewhere, thanks to its durability and easy cleaning. Carpet is not good for rentals because it stains easily and every new tenant wants a new carpet.
- Shop: you'll find great deals on laminates, and they're relatively easy and inexpensive to install.
Please check for plumbing and electrical problems
The real estate that are well over 20 years old should generally have their water valves and electrical outlets replaced. So get a few plumbers and electricians together and get bids. Do this while your apartment is empty. Water faucets, water supply pipes, dishwasher and dishwasher hoses and drains pose the greatest risk of leakage and flooding. Change them all. Electrical outlets and covers don't pose as great a risk, but they usually look really bad with many layers of paint in different colors. An electrician can change an entire house of outlets and on/off switches in two a day or less.
Don't choose the cheapest supplies
When you're getting bids and looking at costs at a home improvement store, don't just choose the cheapest supplies. These items will never stick around once you've literally made the choice of contracts and purchases for your rental. You'll find yourself buying the most expensive products, creating an avoidable budget headache. These basic tips should be supplemented with your investigation and seeking advice from experienced land investors in your area. They will also produce other good advice. Don't think that being a real estate investor is a simple entry into the park. It's more like a marathon under the hot sun with tons of diligence. But that hard work and determination will make your eventual success even more rewarding!